Audacious Smuggling

Double Ambush Stolen Landspeeder

Its been a few days I'm looking for combos with Stolen Landspeeder. This card from Shadows of the Galaxy has a twisted mechanic and I'm trying to find a way to play it.

As a result, here is a list of interesting combos with Stolen Landspeeder and other cards:

Wedge Antilles (+1/+1 ambush to vehicles)

Wedge is by far the card that works best with Stolen Landspeeder. However, with its high cost of 5, he arrives a little late in the game. Hopefully, with Han Solo - Worth the Risk leader, it can deploy a turn earlier with 2 damages. Wedge's +1/+1 ambush buff, suddenly makes the landspeeder an attack tool that can ambushes twice in the same action! (see details later)

Han Solo - Worth the Risk (-1 cost, +2 damage)

As much as this the Stolen Landspeeder + Han Solo combo has been discussed when the cards were initially previewed. This combination simply doesn't work and the landspeeder is just defeated once you try to deploy for free using Han's ability which deals 2 damages to it. However, if Wedge is in play it opens up for a few options.

Ambush abilities: Timely InterventionEnergy Convertion Lab or Fennec Shand - Honoring the Deal

Obviously, it is not possible to use those abilities that give ambush with  young Han Solo leader. However, they allow to play a 3/2 ambush Stolen Landspeeder for 1, 2 or 3 cost, which is average and quite circumstantial. If the landspeeder survives the ambush attack, by only taking 0 or 1 damage, its control will go to an opponent.

U-Wing Reinforcement (Play from deck)

Playing U-Wing Reinforcement usually happens late on a game and it is meant to flood the board with multiple units or a big one from your deck. If you select to deploy Stolen Landspeeder that way, it will be a 3/2 (more if you have Wedge), but it will not pass to your opponent control as that effect only triggers when the card is played from you hand.  In the case of U-Wing Reinforcement, cards are played from your deck.  

Covetous Rivals (When Played/On Attack does 2 damage to a unit with bounty)

This common card is a 5/5 unit with Grit. You could play it for 5-cost with the young Han leader and it becomes a 7/3. It can also do 2 damage to a previously deployed Stolen Landspeeder that switched to opponent you could collect the bounty.

Krrsantan (When Played: Ready this card if opponent as a bounty unit)

This card is a 3/7. It will ready upon deployment if opponent controls a previously deployed Stolen Landspeeder and can attack and defeat it. Krrsantan then becomes a 3/4 which can do 3 damage to a ground target on attack . In theory, Krrsantan could be played out of aspect by the young Han leader for 6. A similar, but slower since they don't ready upon deployment, combo can apply to other Grit units.

Bossk - Hunting his Prey (Action: Does 1 damage and gives  +1/+0 to a bounty unit)

A Bossk leader deck usually seeks to deploy bounties. The Stolen Landspeeder is then an easy bounty target. Bossk ability can ping it for 1 damage, but it needs two turns or another card to deal the second damage in order to collect the bounty. Moreover, once deployed as a unit, Bossk cannot use its ability to double the Stolen Landspeeder bounty given its nature.

Cad Bane (1 to 2 damage upon playing an Underworld card)

Here is another leader with whom it could be tempting to play Stolen Landspeeder. However, since the opponent is the one choosing the unit who will receive Cad Bane's ping damage he might not select the landspeeder. Additionally, triggering Cad Bane's ability by playing the Stolen Landspeeder, an Underworld card, makes your opponent select the target of the ping before the landspeeder when played ability resolves. As a result, the landspeeder is still on your side and cannot be defeated that way.

Double Ambush Deployment

The Stolen Landspeeder unique mechanic is not intuitive to grasp, but once mastered, it can lead to quite spectacular scenarios. In fact, it is possible to ambush it twice within the same action if all the conditions are aligned:
  1. Make sure Wedge Antilles is deployed and your opponent has a unit with exactly 2 of power.
  2. Play the Stolen Landspeeder for 1, with Wedge's buff it will become a 4/3 ambush.
  3. First ambush an opponent's 2-power ground unit for 4 damages. The landspeeder will take 2 damage and will survive the attack
  4. The landspeeder will then resolve its When Played ability and your opponent will take control of it.
  5. By switching side, it will lose Wedge's +1/+1 buff and will suddenly reach zero hit points and be defeated.
  6. You will then claim its bounty and deploy it from your discard pile for free
  7. The deployment from discard will make it gain an experience token. Add Wedge's buff again and it will become a 5/4 ambush which can attack right away.
Please note that if the landspeeder does not suffer exactly 2 damages, it will either stay in control of your opponent (in cases it receives 0 or 1 damage) or get defeated (for 3+ damages). Young Han's leader ability can be used to play Stolen Landspeeder for free with 2 damages to it, but only if Wedge is in play. In such a case, it cannot ambush on the first deployment (unless to a unit with zero power), but it will still come back as a 5/4 ambush upon claiming the bounty.

The following slideshow illustrates the double ambush scenario:
