Audacious Smuggling

Lurking TIE Phantom Cheat Sheet

Since the first time it was previewed, Lurking TIE Phantom has been the topic of many discussions in order to understand what can affect it and what cannot.

With a game text such as This unit can't be captured, damaged, or defeated by enemy card abilities , it seems pretty clear it was meant to be protected from many control cards.

This article is a tentative to list all possible options and their outcome.

What works?

First, let's start with what can actually impact the TIE Phantom.

Attack It

The most obvious method is combat. Since combat damage is not considered an ability, it is the simplest method to damage the TIE Phantom to defeat it.

Bounce It

Waylay, Cunning, Cantina Bouncer, Evacuate or Spare the Target are all cards with abilities that can return an opponent's TIE Phantom into its owner's hand as it is not an effect that it is protected against. Obviously, it will likely be redeploy, but you will gain some time or potentially discard upgrades from it at the same time.

Reduce Its Stats

A few cards have abilities to reduce the power/hit points of another card with minus modifier such as -2/-2. Since these are not damages, they are valid against a TIE Phantom. Moreover, if the target HP would reach zero, the unit is defeated. Example of cards with such abilities are Make an Opening, Mystic Reflection, Luke Skywalker, Fenn Rau or Supreme Leader Snoke

Take Control of It

There is nothing like crossing side. Using TraitorousChange of Heart or Emperor Palpatine, you can literally take control of the Lurking TIE Phantom and give your opponent a little bit of its own medicine.

Cancel Its Ability

Another option to deal with TIE Phantom is to cancel its ability using a card like Force Lightning. In addition, it will allow you to deal damage to defeat it. Another option is use the upgrade Imprisoned to cancel the TIE's ability, but you will need another card to defeat it.

Keep It Exhausted

Finally, the last option is to keep it exhausted so it can't attack. For such, the best option is Frozen in Carbonite. Good mention to No Good to Me Dead, but that one doesn't last more than two rounds.

What Doesn't Work?

Pretty much everything else will not affect the Lurking TIE Phantom ability.

Direct Defeat

Popular defeat cards are simply useless against the TIE Phantom: Takedown, Vanquish, Rival's Fall, Fell the DragonSuperlaser BlastVigilance or Chewbacca.

Indirect Defeat

It doesn't matter if it's the opponent who chooses to defeat it, such as with Power of the Dark Side or Avenger, it is still considered to be a card ability. Moreover, the TIE Phantom controller can choose to select the TIE Phantom to diffuse the effect, protecting other targets at the same time.

Direct Damage

Don't try to damage it with something like Daring Raid, Open Fire, AggressionForce ThrowBombing Run or Detention Block Rescue  you will simply waste your card and the damage will be zero. Same for units with abilities that can deal damage such as DevastatorImperial InterceptorRuthless Raider or even leader abilities which do the same.

Indirect Damage

Even if another unit deals the damage (Overwhelming Barrage, Command or Strike True), it is still considered to be from a card ability and the damage will be zero to TIE Phantom.

Bounty Damage

Collected bounties which can deal damage, such as Val or Wanted Insurgents are also considered enemy card abilities and will not damage the Lurking TIE Phantom.
